Self Advocacy is speaking up for yourself and the ultimate goal for all of us! However we recognise that this hard for some people, and Speakeasy has a long tradition of having self advocacy groups for people with a learning disability and/or autism where group members can support each other and learn self advocacy skills together. Read more about the two groups we currently have in Basingstoke.
The group meets on the first Saturday morning of the month in a community venue. It is open to anyone who is a member of Speakeasy, and for some people it is the only social activity they do on a Saturday. The group is informal and members enjoy catching up on each others news as well as local news and issues. The highlight for most people is when the café opens and they can order lunch or a snack! People tell us coming to the group improves their wellbeing as it gives them an opportunity to build friendships and feel part of their local community. Watch a short film about the group at the bottom of this page or click on this link.
The Friday Network meets every Friday (the clue is the name!) in a community venue. People can attend if the group is part of their commissioned care provision from either Hampshire County Council or the NHS Integrated Care Board. The 4 aims of the group are to develop self advocacy skills, know your rights, be part of the community and friendship. There are currently 25 members who enjoy planning their timetable, doing courses on things like being healthy and staying safe, as well as regular events and guest speakers from local services.
Find out more by looking at the group’s recent Annual Report for 23-24 or by clicking on this link to see the flyer